Home Automation

A fast-growing technology which ensures your air-conditioning system can be controlled and adjusted from the touch of your phone anywhere in the world! 

We work closely with a few great automation brands such as, Myzone, Advantage air (Myplace) and Airtouch who are really pushing the barrier in the automation sector making life easier and making your Aircon more efficient.

Most home automations are basically a climate control system that gives you the ability to have precise control of the temperature in each room individually. 

With the addition of up to 12 touch screen consoles or sensors – every room will be at the temperature you want, all the time. You can also direct airflow to only the rooms you choose for maximum efficiency and savings. 

Your home automation will work with leading ducted air conditioning brands. When using ducted air conditioning in your home a great way you can optimise energy efficiencies and savings is by using a zoned system. This is where the Myzone 3, Advantage air and Air touch systems can add value to room temperature control and save you money by not heating/cooling rooms that aren’t occupied. 

All brands also give you the ability to have various temperatures throughout your home giving everyone their perfect temperature.

Join the 21st century and ensure you give us a call or email to find out how we can make your life easier.